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Director’s Message

"Real education has to draw out best from boys and girls to be educated. This can never be done by packing ill-assorted and unwanted information into the heads of the pupils. It becomes a dead weight crushing all originality in them and turning them into mere automata." -Mahatma Gandhi

Thesine-qua-non of management education is to generate and provide tools and techniques to foster sustainable growth. For this, the imperative on the part of institutions imparting management education, is to nudge aspiring managers to develop deep insights in the nuances of business – as well as understanding aspirations and behaviours of people. This requires leadership skills, the persuasive art of synthesizing various perceptions and facts, valuating alternatives to take decisions and its quality execution. We, at Master Schools of Management (MSM) believe that the education, management education and for that matter of any other stream, irrespective of its loftiness essentially should make youth either employable by industry standards or effective entrepreneur so that they create value and lead a professionally rewarding life. The importance of this role of education – i.e. turning youth entrepreneur or efficient professional is apparent form the fact that values, beliefs and ideals inculcated in students will tangibly impact society by giving youth the opportunity to put them in practice in their professional lives. Therefore, every aspirant manager must be empowered with optimum mix of knowledge, skills and attitude to solve the existing and emerging problems of corporate and professional life. In more than two decades of its existence, MSM has given top priority to impart such skills and knowledge sets that enhance employability of students, make them cross functional and above all, provide tool and techniques to steadily move higher and higher in the ladder of learning. As it has been proved time and again that the acid test of knowledge and skill is in staying relevant in the ever changing market and employment scenario. Thanks to the rapid strides of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Robotics and BIG DATA, the challenge of staying relevant is more pronounced today than ever. This fact has to be underlined that not only the mundane but even creative jobs will vanish and it will happen much early than expected. These disruptive technological changes will alter not only employment scenario but also have serious social and ethical implications. Human intellect is the key to innovation and creativity, therefore it can meet any challenge expected or unforeseen, it will successfully manage this highly disruptive and game changing technological scenario. But the issue is how and what management education will contribute in this process. Among the several function of management, managing transition, that too painlessly is very crucial and this game changing technology has put it to severe test. Education, management or otherwise, needs to meet this challenge and assign priority to inculcating and fostering creativity and innovativeness.

The other important aspect of management education is to create dynamic leadership which is all about adding value so that organizations become instrumental in realizing aspirations of all stakeholders in a harmonious manner i.e. business should generate profit but not at the cost of workers and customers, like wise employee's career and other aspirations must be fulfilled but not at the cost of organization. Thus the challenge before management education is to develop leadership skills – which could provide tools and techniques to align interests which are per se building relationships on trust, dignity and complementary to competencies and skills. The relevance of leader is in sustaining relations, especially during tumultuous and adverse conditions. Management education should persuade and make students imbibe the lesson in letter and spirit that adheres to values, pays in tough time and humbleness of mind and commitment to values, which are touchstones of leadership. Therefore, art of cultivating and enduring relationship should be another pillar of management pedagogy, which MSM consciously adheres to.

Biggest hurdle in steady growth on excellence curve is the attitudinal attribute of complaisance and India is facing a paradox of very high professional degrees and low employability. As repeated in media that only a small fraction of the professional graduates are capable to handle task independently hence we, at MSM, consciously endeavour that we are not stigmatized by this trend. Therefore, our emphasis is more on learning by doing. For it besides the conventional practice of Summer Internship and with the active collaboration with corporate, aspirant managers are engaged in live projects to come out with creative and effective solutions. This practice develops the habit of meeting time lines and deliver results within constraints. In brief, to develop future leaders in the industry, aspirant mangers have to open up to new ideas, experiences and constantly internalize knowledge and learn to evolve institutional wisdom. Only then youth can become capable of take responsibility independently and delivering results with utmost regard to moral values-in which concern to society and organization that is aligned with personal gains.

I on behalf of MSM I wish you all the best in career and life.

Dr. Satendra Soam