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Research Papers

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"Oppurtunities & Challenges For Management Education - Making India Competitive" (2011)

Author : Kanupriya

Management education in India is not older than few decades, though; it gained pace with the advent of economic liberalization in Indian economy since early 1990s. The good part is that the sector has been evolving with the changing needs of times. However, the bad part has been the compromise, a section made on quality, while the sector grew at a brisk



Challenges And Oppertunities In Mangement Education (2011)

Author : Himanshu

Management education denotes those activities traditionally conducted by colleges and universities that focus on developing a broad range of managerial knowledge and abilities. Unquestionably, the major issue in management education is the curriculum offered in our business schools and this concern has been labeled the competency movement (Wexley and Baldwin 1986).



Innovate, Restructure, Reorganise: Challenges For India Inc (2009)

Author : Amrita Priyadarsini Garabadu & Jyotirmayee Mahalik

Innovation is a process of generating new ideas that will prevent stagnation and keeps it on growth path. Innovation is generally defined as invention to create value, as J.E Schumpeter has articulated this could be done either by one or combination of any of the five novelties viz - new product , new process , identifying new market, use of new raw material and new form of



“New Age Marketing” Strategies to beat Emerging Marketing Challenges (2010)

Author : Mithun Modak and Nishant Kumar

In this era of globalisation, firms are striving hard to sustain and maintain their position. Today if the organisations have to sustain they need to compete with their rivals. And in order to compete, they need to outline strategies based on the competitor’s action and reactions and plan in a futuristic style taking into account all the favourable and unfavourable



Future of Management education: Challenges and Opportunities (2011)

Author : Amrita Priyadarsini Garabadu

Learning  is a lifelong process of keeping abreast of change  and most processing task  of any organization to  teach people how to  unlearn to shade off all  that has become obsolete and learn new things and processes  Management education,  intends to shape young people  to  develop the competency and capability either to be  entrepreneur or  a manager.



Opportunities & Challenges for Management Education (2011)

Author : Deepak Kumar Singh

Till a few decades ago India's higher education system stood out for its excellence, in comparison to developing countries but also some industrialized nations. The high economic growth that India has witnessed since 1994 has several causes; one of them is our good higher education. Unfortunately, this sector is now faltering. Several nations which trailed India
