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Being both academically and co-curricular talented help a student face the world. At MSM we impart students to develop all-over personality so that they step out as a perfect manager-cum-leader who can face every challenge with confidence. We provide our students an environment where they can learn through various interactive activities and games. Co-curricular activities undertaken side by side with curricular activities. These activities significantly take place outside general experience of pen and pencil classroom. It offers the student an opportunity of growing their skills and show their non academic capacities as well.
Application of theoretical acumen at ground realities effectively to achieve desired result is what is expected from a manager. Masters Premier League- the in-house simulation activity exactly provides this opportunity to every student. The MPL is a weekly event at MSM which is aimed to inculcate insights to put theoretical knowledge into practice. It helps to improve the abilities to present and prepare students for real life situations.
Duration:- MPL is organized on every Saturday throughout the calendar year.
Awards:- Faculties of different fields perform as Jury and Students are judged in various categories, and the best team and the runner-ups teams are awarded by trophies for every events and all the other participants are given participation certificates.
Methodology:- The Methodology used for the MPL is Presentations. It's compulsory for all the teams to be part of every competition. Every student has to compete in a minimum of 4 events.
Leader selection:- Student Nominated them self for the position of team leader. They are selected by students in a democratic process of voting.
Teams Selection:- Students of PGDM/BBA batch are divided in equal number of student keeping in mind their capabilities and their specializations so as to keep all the teams balanced and competitive.
List of Competitions:-
We know that speech has it own power. Words do not fade. What start as a sound ends in a deed. Believing that formal speech and debate offers a mean for student to learn and exercise analytical and oratorical skills. In the event students express their views on important issues through speeches, extempore and debate.
When we pen down our thoughts, brush our imagination and give a theme to white paper then white turns into the hues of our thoughts. To encourage our students towards arts and paintings, we conduct poster making and slogan writing competition. These competition emphasize on the creativity of their imagination.
Photography is an art of observation. It's about finding something interesting in an ordinary place. This competition is for young photographers who can tell a story or a strong message through a photograph. We make students to move out of their domain and encourage them to go to new places, observe the locality, the scenario and then click images which can express their views.
The primary goal of street play performance is to create a healthy and positive atmosphere in the society. Our students spread the awareness about different problems in society through the medium of a play. This competition focus on the acting, presenting skills and the idea of convincing the audience.
Good writing is supposed to evoke sensation in the reader... not the fact that it is raining but the feeling of being rained upon. The essay competition is conducted to encourage good writing skills so they can give words to their thoughts and speak with their pen.
Singing exercise our heart, lungs and releases endorphins making us feel good. And only one thing is better than singing is more singing. Believing that music helps students to develop concentration and a joyful personality we conduct jamming session and singing competition.